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Thank YOU for participating and sharing your story.  When you spoke at our first Kick Off Breakfast, your journey really touched Angie, and me.  As the year progressed and the gala planning started to come together, I could not get your story out of my head.  It was important to me to give you the platform you truly deserved to share your journey, and inspire others.   Needless to say, you delivered big time!  Attendees are still telling me how moved they were by you. I will certainly keep you in mind for any future things that I might participate in."

Jon Platt

Chairman of Sony/Atv Music Publishing

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Kara's Korner Ep: 2 (Kommah McDowell) Hidden Treasure
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Kara's Korner Ep: 2 (Kommah McDowell) Hidden Treasure

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The Miracle of Science with Soul - Kommah's Story | City of Hope
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The Miracle of Science with Soul - Kommah's Story | City of Hope

Daily Doses

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Living with the mindset of IMPOSSIBILITY changes ones perception of self, others and the world.  Often times we are trapped in our own minds, circumstance, or environment that stifles possibilities in what seems to be impossibile.  As one who is a POSSIBLE IMPOSSIBLE, I am a huge proponent for pushing beyond one's expectations of any situation and striving for IMPOSSIBILITY.


I was given a life expectancy of 2 years in 2005.  I now live beyond the statistics for Triple Negative Inflammatory Breast Cancer Survivors.  As a survivor treading the way for uncharted stats, I live to encourage cancer survivors to make a difference in the extended life they were blessed with.  I also honor the survivorship of loved ones and caregivers, who often go unnoticed.  They too are survivors and deserve kudos for their unwavering support.


As a Christian, I held fast to my faith in God throughout my journey.  I know that the Lord orchestrated every aspect of my life and I NEVER asked, "Why me"?   I believe that the Lord made me strong enough to endure the trials of my life and if He saw fit, I would live to tell about it beyond treatment.  Gratefully, I am here and honored to carry the torch for those who rest in peace, and support those who are in the fight of their lives. 


I know first hand the journey of breast cancer.  Not only am I a survivor, I was the Founder and Executive Director of my own breast cancer organization for 9 years.  As a former board member and Chair of the Board for Breast Cancer Solutions, based in Orange County, CA.  I am well versed in the cancer journey from my personal experience and as a patient advocate.  I offer the patient perspective through workshops, presentations, and as a panelist. I have valuable insight about the treatment journey for patients and caregivers that encourages patient centered care.


Understanding one's purpose is integral to what motivates you in life.  Sadly, many struggle with identifying purpose in their lives, thus, lacking motivation to do anything fulfilling with their lives.  In such a microwave society, it is easy to be distracted by what is going on around you and forgetting about who YOU are.  Oftentimes, life has a way of getting our attention, which then forces us to look in the mirror at our true self.  Who am I? What am I doing? Where am I going? What is my Purpose?  At the mercy of a horrific diagnosis, I found my purpose for my second chance at life.  What is yours?


Relationships are successful when there is communication.  My husband Charles and I, experienced many obstacles within our marriage as a result of several outside forces; cancer, adoption, surgeries, depression, and more.  Through wise counsel, we were able to navigate our relationship in such a way that drew us closer together.  We were and still are able to have "hard conversations" when necessary.  Even today, we continue refining our intimacy as we balance my post-treatment limitations.  We do what we need to do to keep our love-tanks full. 


Change is very difficult for many people and it is especially challenging in organizations.  I am a change agent.  I thrive on promoting healthy change and encouraging others through the process.  As a speaker, I am very charismatic and captivating, thus highly influential.  I am very intentional and passionate about the need for change, while understanding the fear of change from those impacted by it.


I wholeheartedly believe it takes a village to raise a family.  I also believe that it take a village to support a family through treatment.  As a patient I witnessed other patients having to decide if they should use the little money they had to buy food for their family, put gas in their car, or continue treatment.  I fundamentally believes that NO ONE should have to choose to die because they can't afford to live.  So, I promote and beat the drum for organizations that provide financial assistance to patients in treatment.  Someone has to help keep families intact! 

Believe in IMPOSSIBLE Possibles

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